CEWAYE is committed to empowering women and youth through various initiatives, addressing health, education, economic empowerment, and sustainable development.
We conduct health awareness campaigns, provide medical training, and support community health workers to improve healthcare access.
We implement safe water projects, construct rainwater harvesting systems, and promote hygiene education in vulnerable communities.
We provide scholarships, vocational training, and mentorship programs to empower women and youth with essential life skills.
Through enterprise creation programs, we help young women and youth build sustainable livelihoods and achieve financial independence.
Join us in empowering women and youth through impactful community programs, fundraising campaigns, and awareness initiatives.
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Contact UsAt the Centre for Women and Youth Empowerment (CEWAYE), we are dedicated to uplifting marginalized communities by providing access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Our mission is to create a sustainable future where women and youth can thrive, breaking the cycle of poverty and inequality.
Our Impactful Teamwork CEWAYE is dedicated to uplifting marginalized communities by providing access to healthcare, education, economic empowerment, and environmental sustainability.
Our work focuses on community-driven solutions, ensuring that women and youth gain the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to create lasting change.
Executive Director
Founder/Programme Director
Our partners are the reason we are able to do what we do. We are grateful for their support and commitment to our mission.